ECMO Specialist Skills
This course will define and discuss the role of the ECMO Specialist.
After completing this course, the learner will be able to:
1. Describe the role of the ‘ECMO Specialist’ as advocate for the ECMO pump and circuit
2. Define a circuit check and what it entails
3. Describe the management of CO2 and Oxygenation on ECMO
4. Define the infusions that may be given to the ECMO circuit vs. the patient
5. State the importance of aseptic technique on ECMO and how to maintain
6. Detail the blood products commonly used with ECMO patients and how to deliver them
7. Explain the importance of maintaining skin integrity and list the interventions to use
8. Define the positioning techniques to use on ECMO patients
9. Describe the proper assessment of cannula sites, securing devices and dressing application
10. Outline the basic charting requirements for ECMO patient
6 Month Access